09/2023 - 2 Week Artist Residency, Silpakorn University in partnership with; The British Council, Eunic and the Goethe Institut, Bangkok (Thailand).
09/2022 - Featured 'Touch' in KAVE MAG, Manchester (UK).
04/2021 - Behind the Scenes images, Sex and Tourette's Film, Melbourne (Australia).

05/2023 - Curator and Exhibitor, Frame of Mind Exhibition, Hatch, Manchester City Centre (UK).
03/2023 - Curator and Exhibitor, Snap - a Night of Art and Music, Islington Mill, Salford (UK).
09/2022 - Resident Exhibitor, Exchange Rate Exhibition, Cinema Oasis, Bangkok (Thailand).
05/2022 - Curator, Touch Sensitive Exhibition at Rogue Artist Studios, Gorton (UK). 

2021-2024,  Manchester School of Art,  Batchelors of Honours Photography (UK).
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